Goal Setting in 4th Grade - Part 3 - Setting Goals

Thursday, January 5, 2017
You can see part 1 of this unit here and part 2 of this unit here.

For the third and final lesson in 4th grade's goal setting unit, it was time to set some goals! We started off with reviewing what we'd already learned about goals, including the three components of a good goal (specific, realistic, has a plan), and then I showed them the goal setting worksheet they would be using. I'm resistant to worksheets but this seemed like an appropriate time to use one!

I went through the first four sections of this with them whole group, modeling my own example on the projector as we went, before I let them loose on their own. This was a lot of thinking for their brains! They put a lot of effort into this and below you'll see some great examples of their work:


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