College Week Reboot - Everything Else

Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Besides the college week Morning Meetings, my co-counselor and I coordinated a few other things:

1. Morning Announcements

MondayThis week is College Week in metro schools and each day this week you’ll learn something new about college. EVERY student at this school can go to college. With hard work, nothing can get in your way.

Did you know that most things you’ll read in college are non-fiction? Because of this were are kicking of a “non-fiction challenge” in the library. If you check out a non-fiction book this week from the library, you could win a Predators bookmark that’s good for a free Preds ticket with the purchase of another ticket!

Tuesday: Did you know that there are over 25 colleges in the Nashville area? Your teachers have gone to some of them: Vanderbilt, Lipscomb, Fisk, Trevecca Nazarene, and TSU. You can learn more about these and other colleges at the college fair tonight at the Tennessee State Fairgrounds from 3:30-7:00pm.

Wednesday: Did you know that in college you pick a major to study?. Think of it as your favorite subject. In college you get to pick your own classes. For example, if you want to learn more about animals, you will take classes on animals. If you want to learn more about computers, you will take classes about computers

Thursday: Did you know that college graduates earn, on average, about $20,000 more a year than people who don’t go to school after high school? That means going to college could earn you almost one million more dollars in your life than if you don’t go! Also, remember that tomorrow is College T-Shirt and Colors Day. Wear a college t-shirt or a polo in your favorite college color tomorrow.

Friday: Did you know that the creator of Spongebob Squarepants has two college degrees, one in marine biology and one in animation? There are so many amazing jobs that you can get with a college degree.

2. Non-Fiction Challenge

As mentioned in Monday's announcement, students who checked out a non-fiction book from the library during college week got a chance to score a bookmark for our local NHL team that also served as a "buy one get one" ticket coupon. To be eligible, students had to turn in a super short worksheet of sorts (with their name, the book title, and one question about the text) when they turned in their book.

3. Related Arts Collaboration - Computers Class

We worked with our computers teacher to collaborate on 1st/2nd and 3rd/4th lessons. One thing counselors in our district are tasked with is helping boost students' technological skills and so we relish any opportunity work with her and infuse college/career/SEL into computers class.

For the 3rd/4th lesson, students visited the Monsters University website and then completed a pretend "college application"

4. Related Arts Collaboration - Everyone Else

An email that went out to our other related arts teachers:

"Hey! Next week is College Week in MNPS. If your lessons are not set in stone, it would be awesome for you to incorporate something college-related into your classes next week. Below are some ideas off the top of our heads that fall in line with your area, but y’all probably have even better ideas.
Art: design your own logo/mascot or college pennant or discuss art-related majors or do an art activity with them that you did in a college art class
Music: learn/discuss fight songs or discuss music-related majors
Health: learn about the kinds of food in college cafeterias (even more delicious than elementary cafs!) or discuss health-related majors
PE: Discussion or YouTube videos on things you can study in college if you love physical education, some sort of college trivia activity where students use movement to indicate their guesses/answers, watch a segment of a college sporting event and then discuss 1) how awesome it is to go to these and how students get to go for cheap and 2) what sort of skills they saw the athletes use that they've learned in PE (overhand throw for example), discuss the different club sports/activities at a school like UT (i.e. How can you stay fit and have fun in college?) and then play some of them.  Discuss/recreate “mini” college bowls

Please let us know if you’d like any help/support from either of us in this!"

5. Bulletin Board

About two weeks before college week, we asked all faculty and staff to complete a short google doc survey about college (major, degree, extracurriculars, etc.). My co-counselor made a bulletin board with graphs from the data and then classroom teachers were given a handout with extension questions (generated by our numeracy coach) to talk to their students about when they pass the board.
Displaying IMG_3033.JPG

College Week Reboot - Morning Meetings

Last year I really scrambled to put together a college week; this year I had bigger plans and a super co-counselor who was as passionate as me about really rocking the college and career components of our program this year. Our school's daily schedule is TIGHT (I mean, can't-cram-anything-else-can-barely-fit-science sort of tight) and so we knew that any programming needed to integrate into what was already happening in our classrooms and curriculum. One of the ways we managed this was through creating Morning Meeting plans (sans greetings) for the week. This is the overview for the plans for my 3rd and 4th graders (though I think this could work for 2nd-6th):

To view bigger and see the activity details (activity details downloadable through google docs):

What are some colleges you’ve already heard of or know about?
“This week is a special week called College Week. I went to college at ______ to study _______. What is 1 thing that you already know about college?”

Who is someone you know that is in college or went to college?
“Yesterday you thought about what you already know about college. Today, think of 1 question you have about college.”

 (other pages in google doc - click link)

If you were creating a college, what would you call it?
“Colleges come in all shapes and sizes. Some are in the country, some are in the city. Some are old, some are new. Some are big, and some are small. Have you ever been on a college campus?”



I’m Not Sure

Majors A to Z – going around in a circle, students take turns naming things starting with A to Z that you might be able to study in college. Teacher matches what was said with a major of study (ex: Student says “castles”, teacher says “European history”. Student says “Macaroni and cheese”, teacher says “Culinary arts”.)
What do you think you’d like to study or major in in college?
“In order to get into college and graduate from college, you need to be college-ready. One part of being college-ready is being a strong writer. What other ways can you be college-ready?”

What did you learn about college this week?
“Each and every one of you is capable of going to college – I know you can do it. Sign your name on this message if you’re planning to go to college.”

Career Day Speakers - Nitty Gritty Details

Friday, September 5, 2014

Last school year I attempted to orchestrate career speakers for the first time. I'd found some other posts that wrote about how they did it, but every school is really different and I found that no one else's logistics matched our needs. In the event that what we did may work for you, here's some of the nitty gritty details of ours.

I had recently done a multiple intelligences lesson with my 4th graders and so while I wanted the students exposed to a variety of careers, I wanted them to keep thinking about careers that aligned with their interests and strengths. From the beginning, my intern and I decided to group career speakers into career clusters. We used:

  • Healthy and Body
  • STEM
  • Community Helpers
  • Music and Art
  • Other/Etc.

We knew that we also wanted a plan where:
  • Students didn't move
  • Students got to hear from 3+ speakers
  • We didn't need one gazillion speakers (most students' parents are employed but not necessarily in "careers" so it was a little tricky to get speakers)
  • All 375ish 3rd and 4th grade students could participate

This was how we did it:

1. Email all of our staff, faculty, friends, and family in the area to ask for referrals for speakers. As we received them, we entered them into a google doc spreadsheet with their name, contact info, whether they'd been contacted, and whether they'd been confirmed. 

2. Email/call referrals and ask (beg) them to come speak to our students. As they were confirmed, I started to form rooms (for example Rm 9 - STEM - Biomed Researcher, Civil Engineer, Physics Professor, Audio Technician) and then emailed them more info.

3. About two weeks before the event, all students in 3rd and 4th grades were given a slip to indicate their top two preferences for career clusters. I sorted them a few different ways and created a pile for each. I then created a little business-card sized "pass" with a room # and the students name and teacher name. Next year, I will have the room compositions created ahead of time, have the students rank the rooms in order of preference, and I will just highlight the room they are assigned to.

4. The day before the event, I sent information to all of the teachers involved so they knew how to help orchestrate things that morning. I also had a "room host info sheet" that I sent to teachers whose classrooms we were using.

5. The morning of the event, all the speakers checked into one place where I gave them donuts, coffee, and a schedule for their morning. After a brief welcome speech, we escorted them to their rooms and got the show on the road! 

6. Students had a worksheet to fill out while listening to help keep them engaged. I admit, I was worried about some of my special friends acting out a little but all the students were on their best behavior and seemed to really enjoy the morning.

I received more direct positive feedback from teachers about this than about anything else I've ever done - they were so grateful for their students to have had some exposure to different careers. Several suggested I do a few smaller versions of it throughout the school year (along the lines of blogosphere's famous "career cafes"). My hope for the future is to find a way to provide career speaker programming to all of the grades.

Through the wonderful connections of my school's staff (and an amazing intern with strong ties to the community), these were the careers represented:
-civil engineer
-physics professor
-audio technician
-physical therapist
-recreational therapist
-case worker
-news reporter
-police office
-elephant sanctuary workers
-professional hockey team sales reps
-fashion designer
-graphic designer

My Brain is Awesome - Academic Confidence Lesson

Tuesday, July 29, 2014
The same month I did multiple intelligences with 4th grade, I did academic confidence with 3rd grade. This is a breakdown of our lesson:

·         Read A Walk in the Rain with a Brain to the students.

·         Discussion Qs:

o   What lesson(s) is Fred the brain trying to teach us? (we’re all smart in our own ways, it’s important to try, persevere/keep going, believe in yourself)

o   How can you take care of your brain to make it stronger? (asking questions, trying new things, being healthy, thinking positively)

·         Give students the "My Brain is Awesome" worksheet:

Cartoon drawing of your brain (can use color, can do whatever you want because it’s YOUR brain)
3 things your brain is really good at (not including sports); encourage specificity (examples such as “multiplication facts”, “solving problems with friends”, etc.)
-  3 thoughts you can think while taking a test to be more confident (I had to give examples of the OPPOSITE to help them understand this)

Any time I have students do a worksheet, I try to come up with an "early finishers" extension activity because I know they will be finishing at various times. Because I had an upcoming career event, I asked students to brainstorm as many careers as they could think of on the back of their sheet when they finished, even if they weren't careers they were interested in. Some of these kiddos struuuugggglled with this! I also got some very amusing answers. Of note was the fact that the majority of students listed companies that people could work for, not understanding that there are lots of different careers one can have within a company.

Social Support After Loss - Activity

Monday, July 28, 2014
One of my really mature 4th graders faced a lot of loss and turmoil during this past school year, the worst being the death of a grandparent. A large portion of her grief was due to feeling as if no one else could fill their role in terms of how they made her feel and the support they provided her.

The first thing we did was write up a list of all the ways this person supported her, as well as their personality traits that meant the most to her. Then we made a list of other people in her life that could provide her with these things.  This student likes anything crafty/artistic, so the last thing we did was match the characteristics of her grandparent to the people in her life that could fill some of this void.

She understood that no one could really take their place, but this activity helped her view the loss as less devastating.

Space Protectors vs. Space Invaders

Sunday, July 27, 2014
The idea of teaching kids the social skill of personal space through space protectors and space invaders is nothing new - but I'm going to share the worksheet I used and how I did this with my group in case anyone is looking for additional inspiration.

I co-ran a social skills group with our SLP for students with ASD, ADHD, and ODD. One of our 30 minute sessions was on personal space. If I would have had more time, I would have begun by reading Personal Space Camp. Instead, we first talked about the concept of "space bubbles" (appropriate physical boundaries) for different groups of people. I drew out concentric circles on chart paper and the boys wrote examples of people and settings on post-its that they would keep at the various distances away from.

Next, we discussed what space protectors and space invaders would do given what they knew about appropriate space bubbles:

We ended with the boys applying what they had learned by writing and drawing about a space protector:

To download/edit this worksheet for yourself, click here.

Test Taking Skills Exhibit

It seems like there is never enough time in the year to hit every topic in every room, so I have to get a little creative. Something I became interested in last year is programming that delivers the core school counseling curriculum without me doing classroom lessons. My first major attempt at this was through a "test taking skills exhibit".

First inspired by this test-taking skills foldable at Savvy School Counselor, I decided to create an exhibit of sorts; something that teachers could bring their classes to that would really run itself. The gist of it is that students (in pairs or trios) would cycle through different test-taking skills stations, adding to their foldable at each one. Teachers and students both love this because it provides a much needed change of pace from the "drill and kill"/review that they're doing in the classroom, plus it provides an opportunity for movement!

At each station they:
     1) read about the skill,
     2) add it to their foldable (draw on the outside, glue the description on the inside), and then
     3) practice the skill.

In consultation with my teachers, these are the skills for the exhibit:
  • Fly Over First (look quickly at the questions before reading the passage)
  • Own the Operation (think right away about which operation(s) the problem calls for)
  • Slash the Trash (eliminate answers you know are wrong)
  • Bee Prepared (get a good night's rest, eat a healthy breakfast, etc.)
  • Dodge the Difficult Ones (skip and go back to the hard ones)
  • Jail the Detail (underline/highlight/circle important words in questions)
  • Believe in Your Brain (think helpful/positive thoughts)
  • Review Your Responses (check your answers)

At each of the 8 stations was a cup of markers (for writing and illustrating the skill), slips of paper describing the skill in more detail scissors (for trimming the folder or slips), glue sticks (for the slips), and a trifold board all about the skill. Here's an example of one of the boards:

As you can see, the left has an example of how to write/draw the skill on the foldable, the center has a brief description of the skill (the same thing that's on the paper slips for the inside of the foldable), and the right has directions for practicing the skill. Here are all of the rest of the boards:

As you can see on the directions side, I made questions/problems for most of the boards that students practice the skill with. Although our achievement test isn't 100% common core based, our curriculum is, so I used CCSS to develop both ELA and math questions.

If you're interested in any of the "Directions" sheets or practice questions, leave a comment with your email and I'll send you what you have - it's a bit much to upload right now.

'The Self-Esteem Game' Board Game Review

Sunday, July 20, 2014
Improved self-esteem is a goal of most groups I run, and many of my individual sessions as well. When a found a children's board game that focused on this, for less than $30, I jumped on it. Here is The Self Esteem Game:

Players roll the die which instructs them to go to one of the positive affirmation spaces (and repeat the affirmation), pull a problem card, or pull an esteem card. After pulling a problem card (examples below), players spin the spinner which tells them how they "solved" the problem (positively or negatively). Esteem cards are positive affirmations paired with a personal discussion question.

 This game is not great. In my opinion, self-esteem is not an accurate focus. The esteem cards seem more geared towards making positive behavior choices. The problems in the problem cards are very vague/generic, and the "solutions" on the spinner are as well. The game is marketed for ages 8+ and while there are certainly some 8 year olds that are on this level, it seems like it would be more appropriate for 10-14 year olds.

Possible edits someone could make to improve the game:
-create new problem cards using the type of problems your students/clients face
-create a new spinner with more specific positive and negative coping skills
-either add an additional element for focusing on self-esteem, or use the game as more of a "get to know you" or termination game

Coping Cards

Saturday, July 19, 2014
One of my 3rd graders became somewhat of a frequent flyer in my office about a particular anxiety she was having. We weren't able to lessen the anxiety or get rid of the worry thoughts after 2 or 3 sessions (and it wasn't severe enough to warrant an outside referral), so I suggested that we focus on her handling or coping with the anxieties instead of trying to get rid of them. We'd practiced some coping skills the previous year for a separate issue, so after a brief review, we created some "coping cards" for her to put on her nightstand. Here's what we came up with together:

  • Think of a safe place or a place where you feel really good. To feel like you're there, think about what you would see, taste, feel, smell, hear, and touch there. This kiddo picked a local amusement park.
  • Take 6 deep breaths. To make it more fun, we added the "in through your nose, out through your mouth, slow like a turtle, blowing bubbles out" poem to help her remember what a deep breath is like.
  • Think more helpful thoughts! One of this student's problems was that she believed that feeling scared was a terrible thing. Coming up with a couple thoughts that didn't dispute the fear but instead disputed the meaning of the fear was helpful.

A few notecards, some smelly markers, and a pipe cleaner later - and she no longer had problems with this fear!

Multiple Intelligences Lesson - Part 2

Friday, July 18, 2014
Part 2 of the Multiple Intelligences lesson is here! See Part 1 here.

-Review the 8 kinds of “smarts”. First asking students to list which ones they remember, then read the descriptions below and ask them to identify which smart they go with.

o   Enjoys solving difficult word problems, likes to work with numbers, likes to organize facts and information.
o   Enjoys reading for fun, likes to write stories or letters.
o   Can read maps and diagrams easily, likes to draw or paint.
o   Likes to care for the earth and nature, likes to be outside.
o   Likes to listen to music, good at singing or playing an instrument.
o   Likes to be alone, needs time to think over ideas, thinks about their own feelings.
o   Enjoys sports, dancing, or using their body to learn.
o   Gets along well with others, friendly and helpful, likes to meet new people.

-Give each student a copy of the smarts survey and explain how to take it.
     A note about the survey: I needed something that was black and white,  super simple and fast to administer, and  appropriate for below-grade level 4th graders. Nothing I found was perfect, so I used and create my own. Link at the bottom if you want to download/edit.

-Hand out the processing/scoring worksheet, show students the scoring key, and ask them to fill it out.

It took a lot of creativity (from myself included) to think of careers that used some of these combinations, but that made it all the more interesting.

This lesson was so much FUN! It was a lot different from the usual skills I teach my students and I really enjoyed getting to see them make connections to themselves and to the "real world". Some sticky points:
     *Self Smart is really hard to understand - even for adults
     *Some students were upset when they didn't score as "Body Smart". I had to do lots of explaining about how just because we love doing something and think we're good at it doesn't necessarily mean that's our "top" smart.
     *I had originally planned on having the kiddos all sign their name on a poster representing their top smart. Unfortunately, we ran out of time. This could have been a neat way of them gaining even more ownership of their "smart".

Want to use this as is or edit it for yourself? Here it is!

Smarts Survey

CBT Homework - 3rd Grader

Monday, July 14, 2014
I gave one of my 3rd grade girls a mini-notebook to journal in and within days, I had many more of my little ladies requesting their own journals/diaries. One such student was struggling with being very critical and very negative about people and situations around her. After a session where I introduced the basic concepts of CBT to her, I gave her a little journal and challenged her to do some "thoughts homework" for me - with the promise of eating lunch with me if she completed it. Challenge accepted! I took a page and made spots for her to give 4 examples of a positive and negative thought.

Negative: "I want to have the red one."
Positive: "Blue is a good color."

Negative: "She got the last one. No fair."
Positive: "I will get one tomorrow."

Negative: "It will take forever."
Positive: "I will be patient."

Negative: "She is not my friend".
Positive: "Maybe she doesn't want to hang out."

Not too bad for an 8 year old who had only recently been introduced to these concepts! I was lucky that this student doesn't have an aversion to homework, because having her think through these ideas at home lead to greater generalization and faster improvement of her feelings.
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